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Results for "keyword: "holidays""
All Saints Day Quotes, recommended resources, and a teaching story for your observance.
Juneteenth Celebrating the promise of freedom and equality.
Purim A celebration with cookies, a biblical story, noisemakers, and a chance to laugh at our enemies and ourselves.
Ash Wednesday Two ways to observe the beginning of Lent, from creative Christian writer Ed Hays.
Tu B'Shevat Celebrating the Jewish New Year for Trees, Rosh HaShanah La'Ilanot
For the Unknown Enemy A reflection on the unknown good in our enemies.
Celebrate Occasions With Enthusiasm Observing events and family life consistently.
Serving God Through Joy A call to be happy and grateful.
Presidents' Day (PDP) Using the national holiday to assess our attitudes towards the presidency.
Honorable Closure for a Year A reflective ritual for the end of a difficult year or any year.